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C+V Community Talk: Cheering on the Home Team: Getting to know DU Athletics

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The Fall season has officially begun, 当运动员和球迷穿上深红色和金色的球衣时,里奇中心充满了杜克大学的精神! With Homecoming around the corner, we invite you to join C+V 和 our amazing panelists, VC Josh Berlo 和 Coach Doshia Woods in celebrating the past, 现在, 和 future of athletics at the University of Denver. We are thrilled to have Mia Sundstrom, former DU gymnast 和 now Special Assistant for Student Engagement, Office of the Chancellor, emcee the event! 了解更多yzcca88游戏登录网址体育在杜的愿景,以及如何支持杜的学生运动员和团队! 

Learn more about the panelists below!



Calendar of Events:

22-23 Women's Basketball game schedule: 


Featuring DU Community Panelists:

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Mia Sundstrom, Moderator
Special Assistant for Student Engagement, Office of the Chancellor
Graduate Student, Josef Korbel School of International Studies
Former Student-Athlete, Gymnastics

米娅目前是一名研究生,在约瑟夫·科贝尔国际研究学院攻读公共政策硕士学位,同时担任校长学生参与特别助理和丹佛体操队的志愿者助理教练. Mia has been at DU for 5 years. 她于2021年以优异成绩毕业于丹尼尔斯商学院(Daniels College of Business),获得商业信息和分析学位. 她也是丹佛体操队的两届队长和2021-22学生运动员咨询委员会(SAAC)主席.

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Josh Berlo
Vice Chancellor of Athletics, University of Denver

Following his introductory press conference on June 2, 2022, Josh Berlo 7月15日正式加入yzcca88游戏登录网址,担任体育和里奇中心运营副校长, 2022. 伯洛带着20多年的大学体育经验来到了英里高城, 包括2013-22年(9个赛季)担任明尼苏达大学德卢斯分校的体育主管。.

贝罗帮助开创了体育部历史上最成功的时代, a tenure that included two men’s hockey national championships, 连续四次进入男子冰封四人赛和连续七次进入NCAA地区决赛. In addition to the hockey success, 贝罗的项目赢得了三项全国单项冠军(田径),五个不同的项目在各自的项目(女排)中排名全国前五, 足球, women’s cross country 和 men’s 和 women’s hockey).

In 2017-18, Berlo被评为全国大学体育总监协会(NACDA)年度最佳广告总监. 在德卢斯, Berlo领导了UMD对学生运动员体验和战略计划倡议的刻意关注,并领导了牛头犬队体育项目的筹款工作. 他还将球迷体验和参与作为重中之重,以帮助扩大UMD体育部的全国知名度.

Academically, Berlo helped support the Bulldog student-athletes' rise to record GPA levels, reaching an all-time high average of 3.44 for UMD's nearly 400 student-athletes in 2021. 贝罗和牛头犬队5次进入D-II董事杯前50名(由于COVID-19大流行,可能有8次). During his time at Duluth, 牛头犬队在2018年和2019年赢得了一级男子曲棍球全国冠军,并在2017年获得了先驱者队的亚军. 在女子曲棍球比赛中,牛头犬队在2022年以全国亚军的身份输给了俄亥俄州立大学. 在贝罗的带领下,这两个冰球项目一共出现了六次《ca88登录正确网址》. In his final season at Duluth (2021-22), for the first time in program history, 所有四支篮球和曲棍球队都进入了NCAA锦标赛,并获得了三个常规赛和锦标赛冠军. 在贝罗的任期内,明尼苏达大学16个校队项目中有15个进入了NCAA季后赛. 

The Warren, Rhode Isl和, native helped spearhead many projects in the Bulldogs' athletic department, 其中包括耗资1000万美元对罗马诺体育馆(篮球和排球)进行翻新,以及对詹姆斯S. Malosky Stadium (足球), 沃德威尔斯运动场(赛道)以及为团队会议创建的目标驱动空间, video 和 injury rehabilitation. Berlo led the launch of Bulldog Productions (content creation 和 streaming), enhanced the regional 和 national TV footprint, 签署了一项装备服装协议,比之前提供的价值增加了一倍多, 监督在多个设施中增加新的LED视频板,并见证了男子曲棍球和足球的单赛季和单场上座率记录的创造. 

In his final months at UMD, 在Josh Fenton离开丹佛的主要附属会议之后,Berlo担任了新的NCHC专员Heather Weems的搜索委员会的联合主席, the Summit League.

Prior to Duluth, Berlo served 13 years in various roles at Notre Dame, 包括负责客户关系和活动营销的高级副总监.

Berlo是著名的体育管理学院的执行委员会成员,该学院是由创始大学(USC)的体育部门和工商管理学院合资成立的, Notre Dame 和 North Carolina) to create a highly academic, graduate-level business program for athletic administrators. Since its founding, 密歇根州和德克萨斯州于2000年加入,乔治亚州于2006年成为赞助机构. 

Berlo于1999年在马萨诸塞大学获得体育管理学士学位,2004年在圣母大学获得金融和传播工商管理硕士学位. He 和 his wife Meg have one son, Michael.

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Doshia Woods
Head Women's Basketball Coach

Doshia Woods enters her 3rd season as the head women's basketball coach at DU. In her first two season she built a culture on developing the complete person. 在球场上,她融入了快节奏的进攻,这使得她的三分球命中率和命中率始终名列前茅. 
伍兹教练一直在各种播客中宣传球队文化的价值观(进步的目的), 弹性, 所有权, 感激之情, 尊重, 能源, support 和 sacrifice). Her appearances include discussing the team's Life 4.0程序. A program designed to discuss life issues. 

A native of Topeka, KS Coach Woods is married to her spouse Lindsay Werntz.